Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

When we are born as human beings, we do not carry anything but we have parents who take care of us and encouraging us. Over time, we are of the baby will begin to grow into a large, began to grow teeth, hair, began to speak, began to crawl and eventually walk.

 Along with the more mature we are, there are some things that begin to leave us, such as aging parents, brothers who started did not live at home with us since been married and settle down. Until we finally going to get married after graduating from education and work.


 As well we finally lost a parent as well as age. But the loss that we feel will get instead the presence of a wife who accompanied us and the birth of a child. That human life will continue to spin like that without interruption until the Day of Judgment arrives.

So long as we live should appreciate what we have, both grateful for having the parents, brothers are always there for us, or a brother who entertained us even cried because we often make our ignorance hehe ......

Because when we grow up or have established their families we will surely miss it. Thankful for what we have is important, folks. GBU ...... ^ _ ^

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